
Sustainability Targets

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We have set ambitious yet achievable targets as part of our 2030 sustainability strategy and roadmap, including reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increasing recycling, and promoting an inclusive work environment.

Additionally, we have developed a broad set of KPIs, including landfill water, water withdrawals, air emissions, and biodiversity. 

Every year, we track our performance and transparently disclose our results in our Sustainability Report

Safety - Image

Safety: Reach a 1.5 RCR (Recordable Case Rate)* in 2025

Gender Diversity

Increase the percentage of women in professional and management roles at Constellium to 25% in 2025

GHG Emissions

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions : Reduce our GHG emissions intensity by 30% in 2030 vs 2021

Recycling (Sustainability Targets)

Recycling: Use recycled sources for at least 50% of all metal input in 2030