Safety & Health

Safety is our number one value at Constellium and at the heart of everything we do. We want every employee, visitor, and contractor to return home safely every day. Our Recordable Case Rate* is one of the best in the industry**, improving from 3.31 in 2016 to 1.95 in 2023. By participating in networks with other companies and/or sites, we can share and adopt the most effective practices. We remain committed to continuous improvement, seeking to achieve our ultimate objective of zero injuries.
* Our Recordable Case Rate measures the number of fatalities, serious injuries, lost-time injuries, restricted work injuries, or medical treatments per 1 million hours worked, including by our contractors.
** Industry Recordable Case Rate of 8.5 in Europe; 14.0 in the U.S. (Source: European peers from European Aluminium, 2019; U.S. peers from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics-Aluminum. 2021)