Meet UTC’s Women Engineers

Talent across Constellium
Constellium’s University Technology Center (UTC), located at Brunel University London, is a center of excellence for the design, development, and prototyping of aluminium extrusions and automotive components, such as Crash Management Systems.
The R&D team is seeing the benefits of a recent recruitment campaign aiming for more diversity. Kirstie Lamb, Human Resources and Office Administrator, explains, “Diversity is at the heart of our culture and is simply the right thing to do, so we developed a specific recruitment drive to attract more female engineers.” Jaycee Sibley joined the organization in 2018 as an apprentice and has been promoted to Operations Support Technician. Louise Harris, who worked for the National Health Service during the pandemic, joined the team as a Quality Technician.
One of the most recent recruits, Caitlin Burns, has just completed her Level 5 Higher National Diploma (HND) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Lamb says, “She showed a real thirst to expand her engineering knowledge and will study towards an Electronic Systems Engineering degree, alongside her full-time role as a Maintenance Technician here at the UTC.”