Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King

Community Initiatives
As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, I am reminded of his extraordinary and enduring legacy. The messages of diversity, empowerment, and inclusion he shared more than 50 years ago are still very relevant today.
On this special day, I would like to reflect on our commitment to diversity and what it means for us as individuals and as a company.
At Constellium, we believe that diversity – in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives – makes us stronger. Our differences should not just be tolerated or accepted, but valued and embraced.
Our values are more than just words, they set the standard for how we interact with each other and how we operate as a company. We speak up and take action when we identify areas where we could and should be better. We have a strict Code of Conduct and do not tolerate racism or discrimination in any form.
In 2019, we launched our first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program to ensure that we foster an inclusive environment where people from all walks of life, with a wide range of ideas and experiences, can contribute and thrive. I am proud of the results we have already achieved but also know that we still have a long journey ahead of us. The next step will be expanding our DEI initiatives beyond gender diversity to help all employees feel supported.
Today, I want to renew my personal commitment, as well as Constellium’s commitment, to diversity and inclusion. We do not have all the answers and some of the questions we need to ask ourselves can be difficult. But this is an important journey and it is an exciting and rewarding one.
As part of our learning path, we are honored to welcome Nakeia L. Drummond of NLD Strategic for a discussion with our employees on how to successfully build and support workplace diversity this Wednesday. This internal webinar is part of our commitment to listen and learn in order to improve our organization together. We look forward to Nakeia sharing her experience and expertise with us.
There are many ways to commemorate Dr. King’s achievements – education, discussions, Day of Service activities. I encourage each of us to stay true to Dr. King’s words and deeds and to remember that “the time is always right to do what is right.”
Ryan Jurkovic
Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer